What others are saying about Pro Secrets
“The ALPG Tour has for a number of years benefited from the professional services provided by Pro Secrets. The quality of the Pro Secrets yardage books is second to none and with the recent implementation of digital and satellite technology to enhance the attributes of the product, the positive feedback from players and caddies has been significant. Already used by major Tours around the globe, the Pro Secrets product is the benchmark yardage book and will therefore remain the preferred supplier for the ALPG Tour which hosts world class international fields at our major tournaments. In delivering the product, Pro Secrets provide a professional and hassle free service throughout the process with little need for communication once the event details have been shared. I strongly endorse the Pro Secrets yardage book and recommend this brand to all golfing organisations..”
Warren Sevil
Chief Executive Officer ALPG
“As a professional golfer one of the most important pieces of equipment I can take on the course is the yardage book. It is an invaluable tool though only if it is accurate and has all the information that I need.
Of all the books I have used around the world on all the tours the Pro Secrets book is the best by far. It gives me all the distances that I need and the detail on and around the greens is amazing, it really helps me get a picture of what I need to do with every shot.
I would highly recommend the Pro Secrets book to anyone. It is the best of its kind in the world and will really help golfers of all standards shoot lower scores.”
Geoff Ogily
2006 US Open Champion | Mutiple US PGA Winner | Multiple Australian Tour Winner
Pro Secrets has provided yardage books for the Australian Open and for Golf Australia’s major Amateur Championships, such as the Australian Amateur, for several years. The accuracy and thoroughness of every detail, for every hole, on any course is exceptional. Michael Etherington and Simon Clarke’s efficiency and willingness to produce books to suit Golf Australia’s circumstances is second to none. The players’ preference of the books over any others is also apparent. We would recommend the use of Pro Secrets’ yardage books to any tournament organiser.
Therese Ritter
Manager Championships, GOLF AUSTRALIA
Yardage books are the absolute key to course management. The best yardage books in the world help to eliminate doubt from a players mind and provide a level of trust that is simply invaluable. Pro-Secrets are consistently able to produce such a book.
The fact that Pro-Secrets yardage books are made by world class professional caddies and used by the world's best professional golfers is the reason I am more than happy to have one in my back pocket every time I play tournaments at home and in Japan.
If you are serious about playing better golf and understanding the way the World's best play the game, arm yourself with a Pro-Secrets book and hit the course.
Craig Pary
2 time winner on the US PGA Tour | Past Australian Open Champion
Knowing full well that a Pro-Secrets yardage book is made with the utmost accuracy in mind makes it one of the most valuable tools I use in a round of golf.
It doesn't matter if you are a regular player or a pro, knowing what lies ahead of you helps you to plan a way to get the ball into its rightful place, the hole.
If I didn't have the comfort of a Pro-Secrets book in my back pocket, I'd be a little nervous about what lay ahead of me.
Stuart Appleby
Multiple winner on US PGA Tour & Australian Tour
There are yardage books that are pictorial souvenirs of visits to famous courses and there are yardage books that actually help you get around the golf course, Pro-Secrets' books are in the latter category and offer so much more than simply 'the distance to the middle of the green'.
For many players, that is all they want, but for serious players the distances to the hazards from the tees, the distances from the fairways to the green and properly detailed drawings of the greens and surrounds are indispensable. That is what makes these books truly world class.
If you want a souvenir, buy the books with pretty pictures. If you want a book that will help you take strokes off your score, use Pro-Secrets' book, the yardage book the pros call 'The Bible'.
Mike Clayton
Multiple winner on Australian PGA Tour & respected golf course designer
I have played professional golf tournaments the world over and played all the major tours, including the US, European, Japanese and Australasian Tours. A course yardage book is one of the most important tools I use when I play and I can tell you from experience that the Pro-Secrets yardage books are the best books I use anywhere in the world of golf.
They are easy to read, simple to use and have all the numbers that you need to ensure that we, the players, have a better understanding of the Course we are faced with. I believe that Pro-Secrets' yardage books save strokes for all of us in tournaments.
I am more than happy to have my name associated with Pro-Secrets, simply because I know they produce the best yardage books going around.
Aaron Baddely
3 time US PGA Tour winner | Back to back Australian Open Winner
Being a professional golfer and a commentator for golf on tv it is great to be able to use the service of "Pro Secrets".
Their yardage books are unmissable whether I play a tournament or take my position behind the microphone.
They truly save shots on the course and keep the "verbal bogey" off the air.
Rolf Muntz
1990 British Amateur Champion & 2000 Qatar Masters Champion | Freelance Commentator Sport1 Golf